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Talk begins of high-level radioactive waste in Andrews

WCS facility
Workers at the Waste Control Specialists facility in Andrews unload a shipment of ‘transuranic waste’ that arrived for temporary storage on April 2 from New Mexico.

April 13, 2014

by Corey Paul, cpaul(at)
OA Online

In a meeting with Andrews civic leaders, Waste Control Specialists representatives recently floated the idea of storing high-level radioactive waste at their local collection site, if the community approves.

"It is something that if we had the community support of, at WCS we would be interested in being a part of that," said Chuck McDonald, a spokesman for the company.

The conversation is in early stages, and company officials have sought none of the federal permits that would be required for the significant expansion of the sort of waste it handles, McDonald said. He said the company wants to temporarily store spent nuclear fuel rods, a high-level nuclear waste. Temporarily could still mean decades, but that is opposed to permanently disposing of the waste by burying it for millennia.

The topic first came up at a March closed-door meeting of the Andrews Industrial Foundation, a non-profit economic development group, attendees said.

One of them was Andrews County Judge Richard Dolgener, who said "we are moving very slowly" and that conversation focused mostly on political and industry context instead of support for the possibility of bringing the waste.

"We are trying to get all our facts really more than anything before you start saying this or that," Dolgener said.

The dialogue begins amid two other developments involving an expanded radioactive footprint in Texas, a prospect that concerns environmental groups but also some who advocated for bringing WCS to West Texas as a low-level collection site, such as Rep. Tryon Lewis.

The first development is a series of proposals by state leaders: Gov. Rick Perry at the end of March wrote a letter to leaders of the state House and Senate that stated "We have no choice but to begin looking for a safe and secure solution for [high level waste] in Texas. . ." accompanied by a 48-page report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that lays out some historical background about storage attempts and options.

Perry’s letter used the phrase "Texas solution," which happens to be the slogan of Waste Control Specialists. But Perry recommends no specific storage site, and others in West Texas have also expressed interest in storing higher-level radioactive waste, such as officials in Loving County.

The governor’s letter follows a charge by House Speaker Joe Straus to the House Committee on Environmental Regulation to study bringing high-level radioactive waste, including the rules and economic impact, and then "make specific recommendations on the state and federal actions necessary to permit a high-level radioactive waste disposal or interim storage facility in Texas."

Another development is the radioactive waste that began rolling into Andrews County earlier this month from New Mexico. That waste is called "transuranic waste" that WCS was already licensed to handle, but the DOE requires that it must be handled more cautiously than the low-level waste WCS was designed to mainly deal with.

Most of the transuranic waste consists of items like clothing, tools, rags and soil contaminated with radioactive elements during decades of nuclear research and weapons production in New Mexico.

The temporary storage of the transuranic waste results from of a series of mishaps at New Mexico facilities, but it also expands the scope of the sort of waste WCS anticipated dealing with, McDonald said.

"Certainly it doesn’t hurt the case that this would be a good place to take care of some of the spent nuclear fuel storage capabilities that are now becoming a pressing issue," McDonald said.

In an announcement of the first transuranic waste shipment on April 2, the Department of Energy reported up to about 100 more shipments will be sent to West Texas in an initial ramp up with as many as 10 shipments arriving per week before the June 30 deadline to remove the waste from the Los Alamos National Laboratory as part of an agreement with the state.

At first, the waste was meant to go to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in Carlsbad, N.M., known as WIPP. But those plans were scuttled by a shutdown at WIPP after a small above-ground leak on Feb. 14 that reportedly exposed 17 workers to radiation.

WCS, a private collection site, became the next option. WCS will be paid up to $8.8 million to store the transuranic waste, the DOE reported.

Karen Hadden, executive director of the Sustainable Energy and Economic Development Coalition based in Austin, opposed moving the transuranic waste to WCS and said it seems like a step toward higher-level waste storage.

"It’s kind of never-ending," Hadden said, describing the federal and state decision as rushed and then criticizing the potential for higher level waste. "There is higher potential for accidents. They are not frequent but they do occur and you don’t want that to happen . . . It’s incredibly dangerous material."

Lewis, whose term as representative expires in January, said he has "no problem at all" with the transuranic waste storage. At an Odessa Chamber of Commerce event earlier this year, he also described his work helping to bring WCS to Andrews as one of his proudest legislative accomplishments.

But Lewis also serves on the the House Committee on Environmental Regulation, and he says he opposes depositing high-level waste in Texas and that even storing it long-term is a bad idea.

"I don’t think that is what that site is meant for," he said, even though he said the site and its workers could probably handle the waste. "Just to make money I don’t think it’s worth it to do that. Hey, let’s make a quick buck. I don’t think it’s worth it because you never know."

Instead, Lewis said the spent fuel rods from the country’s 104 nuclear power plants should be buried deep in a geological repository, at the Yucca Mountain site in Nevada. The federal government designated Yucca Mountain in 1987 and after decades of controversy abandoned development before Congress finally cut off funding in 2011. More than $15 billion had been spent.

McDonald said federal licensing and construction to store higher-level radioactive waste at WCS could happen in as little as seven years but that would all depend on community support.

Lewis said he worries an attempt to even temporarily store radioactive waste at WCS could turn into such a boondoggle as Yucca Mountain. But if it happens, he said, there should be intensive review and consultation with locals.

The county judge said so too: The first time around the community embraced the plant because they saw evidence of safe storage, but it is hard to predict sentiment now because so many have moved to the booming area since then.

The county sees a windfall of 5 percent of gross revenue from low-level waste at the storage site, where space inside runs up to $10,000 per cubic foot. The state’s is about 25 percent.

Storage of higher-level radioactive waste would probably bring more money to the county as well as skilled workers and greater economic diversification, say the judge and Westley Burnett, director of economic development at Andrews Economic Development Corporation who also attended the meeting with WCS.

But Dolgener also said higher-level storage would bring other issues such as security and more deadly material.

"It’s like having a milk plant and somebody wants to come and make ice cream because you’ve got a plant right there," Dolgener said. "But that’s really a big statement, because you’ve got to take science and law and 15 million other things into account to make that work."

Contact Corey Paul on Twitter @OAcrude on Facebook at OA Corey Paul or call 432-333-7768.

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Gov. Rick Perry backs storage site for Texas nuclear waste

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

ABC13/Associated Press

LUBBOCK, TX — Gov. Rick Perry is pushing lawmakers to establish a location in Texas for storing the state’s high-level radioactive waste.

Citing a report from the state’s environmental agency, Perry tells Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and House Speaker Joe Straus in a letter that Texas is suited to store spent nuclear fuel from the state’s four commercial reactors and that a solution is needed.

Texas waste is now stored on site by the utilities that operate the reactors. But Perry wants to develop a single storage location until a national repository for nuclear waste is established.

In Perry’s March 28 letter, the state’s longest-serving governor chided the federal government for its inaction on dealing with the issue of high-level waste.

"The citizens of Texas – and every other state currently storing radioactive waste – have been betrayed by their federal government," he wrote to the two lawmakers last week.

Perry was referring to Nevada’s conflict-ridden Yucca Mountain site, which utility companies in the U.S. have paid billions toward building. It doesn’t appear viable at this point, so spent fuel in the U.S. is currently stored in pools or in dry casks at the more than 100 commercial nuclear reactors. Texas’ share of those billions is about $700 million, the letter states.

The letter from Perry is the second time this year a high-ranking state official has weighed in on the topic. In January, Straus directed lawmakers to "determine the potential economic impact of permitting a facility in Texas."

Perry urged Dewhurst and Straus to relay the high-level radioactive waste report, which Perry asked for in September, by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to appropriate committees in the House and the Senate.

There is currently no disposal site in the United States for spent fuel rods from reactors across the country – including Texas’ four reactors at Comanche Peak in Glen Rose and the South Texas Project near Bay City. In November, a federal court ruled the U.S. government had "no credible plan" to permanently dispose of high-level waste. The court’s decision came after the federal government collected billions of dollars from utilities for decades to fund the Yucca site.

Texas is already home to a disposal site for low-level radioactive waste, which includes contaminated protective clothing, mops, filters, reactor water treatment residues, equipment and tools. Chuck McDonald, spokesman for Dallas-based Waste Control Specialists, which operates the low-level site in Andrews County, said the company is talking to officials there.

"We would certainly take a hard look at it," he said of a high-level storage site.

An interim storage site likely would keep the high-level waste for numerous decades before it eventually would be buried permanently at a yet-to-be-determined geological repository.

Officials in Loving County in West Texas are interested in having a high-level waste storage site, as is the Eddy-Lea Energy Alliance LLC, which is made up of officials in Carlsbad and Hobbs, and Eddy and Lea counties in southeastern New Mexico.

"We have no choice but to begin looking for a safe and secure solution" for high-level waste in Texas," Perry’s letter states.

Cyrus Reed with the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club said there is no rush in Texas to store spent rods. The four reactors still have ample storage capacity, he said. And were Waste Control to build a storage facility for Texas’ high-level waste, that could change.

"It can evolve into the national solution," Reed said, referring to how Waste Control went from taking only low-level waste from Texas and Vermont, members of a compact, to accepting it from dozens of other states after lawmakers voted to allow it.

(Copyright ©2014 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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Inspectors re-enter New Mexico nuclear waste site after leak

Apr 3, 2014


(ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico) – Inspectors ventured into an underground nuclear waste disposal vault in New Mexico on Wednesday to begin an on-site investigation of a radiation leak nearly seven weeks ago that exposed 21 workers and forced a shutdown of the facility.

The mission by experts from the company that manages the site marked the first time since the mishap that workers have been sent deep into the salt caverns of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, where drums of plutonium-tainted refuse from nuclear weapons factories and laboratories are buried.

The unexplained leak of radiation, a small amount of which escaped to the surface, ranked as the worst accident and one of the few blemishes on the plant’s safety record since it opened in 1999.

Located about 25 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico, in the Chihuahuan Desert, the facility is the nation’s only permanent repository for the U.S. government’s stockpile of nuclear waste, much of it left over from the Cold War era.

The waste, including discarded machinery, clothing and other materials contaminated with plutonium or other radioisotopes heavier than uranium, are sealed in chambers carved into salt formations more than 2,100 feet beneath the desert surface.

The plant has been closed to further deliveries of waste since February 14, when an air-monitoring system detected an unexplained release of radiation underground.

Although an alarm automatically switched the ventilation system to filtration to keep radiation from spreading, trace amounts of manmade isotopes such as americium-241, a byproduct of nuclear weapons manufacturing, were measured at the surface.

Testing of workers at the site, all of whom were above ground at the time, showed that 21 were contaminated, though managers of the plant said the level of exposure was too low to pose any health risks.


The U.S. Department of Energy and the contractor that runs the repository, Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC, have said there was no threat to the public or environment.

The source of the radiation leak has not been determined, but a DOE spokesman at the agency’s Carlsbad office, Ben Williams, said one theory is there might have been a structural collapse at one of the storage compartments, or panels.

Experts suspect the release was most likely to have originated in one compartment, Panel 7, where material had recently been added, Williams said.

The mishap came two weeks after a truck caught fire at the plant in an accident in which several workers suffered smoke inhalation. Plant officials have said the two incidents were not related.

Additional radiation sensors lowered into access shafts of the cavern since early March indicated no further radiation leaks in the surrounding air, paving the way for the re-entry by inspectors on Wednesday afternoon.

An eight-member inspection team consisting of radiological and mine-safety experts descended by elevator to the underground interior of the plant to establish a base of operations and measure radiation levels, DOE spokeswoman Carrie Meyer said.

They found there was no airborne contamination, the DOE said in a news release. A second team went underground 30 minutes later, the agency said.

Inspectors were dressed in protective gear and special lapel monitors to measure personal exposure for their limited time spent in the storage facility.

“Today’s efforts were a critical first step toward future entries that will expand the clean base of operations and allow workers to travel further into the mine to identify the suspected source of the radiological release,” Williams said.

In the meantime, nuclear waste that had been due for shipment to the repository from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, about 300 miles across the state, is being shipped instead to a privately run facility in Texas for temporary storage there, Williams said.

(Writing and additional reporting by Steve Gorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston, Alex Dobuzinskis and Jeremy Laurence)

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Waste heads to Texas while WIPP gets in shape

21 March 2014

World Nuclear News

Waste from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico will be temporarily stored at a site in Texas until the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) disposal facility reopens. LANL has committed to remove all above-ground transuranic waste from its site by June.

LANL TRU shipment 460 (LANL)
Over one thousands shipments of TRU from LANL have already been made by road to WIPP (Image: LANL)

In early 2012, the US Department of Energy’s (DoE’s) LANL signed an agreement with the Governor of New Mexico to remove all above-ground transuranic (TRU) waste and ship it to WIPP by June 2014.

A $200 million contract was awarded to a partnership between EnergySolutions and Environmental Dimensions Inc (EDI), with various subcontractors, to carry out waste characterization, processing and waste operations services.

TRU is waste containing man-made elements that are heavier than uranium, such as plutonium. The waste consists of such things as contaminated clothing, tools and other work equipment, rags, soil, and debris from the laboratory’s technical sites, arising from LANL’s operations since its foundation in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project.

However, operations at the WIPP facility were suspended following the detection of airborne radiation within the plant on 14 February. The WIPP plant, located almost 500 kilometers from LANL, is owned by DoE and operated by Nuclear Waste Partnership LLC (NWP). The facility disposes of transuranic waste packages from the US military in an underground salt formation.

In order to help LANL meet its commitment to remove the TRU from its site by June, NWP has signed a contract with Waste Control Specialists for the temporary storage of the remaining waste at its facility in Andrews County, Texas.

DoE’s national TRU program director J R Stroble said, “The LANL waste will be staged so that it can be disposed of as soon as WIPP resumes waste receipt operations. These shipments will be managed just like other WIPP shipments. The department will continue to evaluate potential alternatives for other DoE transuranic waste generating sites until WIPP is fully operational.”

Workers are expected to re-enter the WIPP facility for the first time within the next few weeks. They have been performing trial runs in a nearby potash mine. This training has allowed them to test equipment and protective wear in ground conditions similar to WIPP’s layered salt formation.

Researched and written
by World Nuclear News

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Workers prepare return to New Mexico nuke dump

March 22, 2014

By Associated Press

CARLSBAD, N.M. — Employees at the federal government’s troubled nuclear waste dump in southeastern New Mexico are preparing to enter the facility’s underground mine for the first time since a radiation leak contaminated workers last month.

The U.S. Department of Energy announced Saturday that 35 workers have undergone training simulations at a Potash mine before re-entry next week into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP).

Employees went through a two-hour underground session using protective gear and air-breathing units, officials said.

Workers spent this week training for various scenarios that could occur in the mine.

According to the Department of Energy, the plan is for workers to set up an operating camp near a salt-handling shaft and then check for a secondary exit in the shaft that controls air flow. After that, they will focus on finding the source of the radiation release.

The repository near Carlsbad stopped taking all waste shipments after an underground truck fire on Feb. 5. Nine days later, a radiation release shuttered the plant. A series of shortcomings in maintenance, safety training, emergency response and oversight were cited by a team that investigated the truck fire.

The New Mexico Environment Department withdrew a preliminary permit this week for the dump’s request to expand its facility, citing the fire and the leak.

It is unclear, however, if the two incidents are related.

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is the nation’s only permanent underground repository for low-level radioactive waste, including things like plutonium-contaminated gloves, tools and protective clothing, from nuclear weapons facilities.

With the nuclear waste dump shuttered, operators for the plan made an agreement with Waste Control Specialists to ship radioactive waste from Los Alamos National Laboratory to rural west Texas.

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