Take Action – No Fukushima Style Disaster in Texas

Write your Congressman/Congresswoman on this very important issue.

We’ve included a sample letter below you can download or copy and paste. We’ve also included contact information and a link to Who Represente Me if you are unsure about what congressional district you live in.

Sample Letter:

We cannot afford to have a Fukushima style disaster here in the United States. The number of lives that will be lost as a result from the Fukushima explosions and meltdowns is unknown, but 985,000 people died as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, mainly from various cancers.

Nuclear reactors are inherently unsafe and the nuclear disaster in Japan provides additional evidence of the need to transition away from nuclear power to safer, more reliable forms of electric generation. There is still no safe way to store the waste generated by nuclear reactors and now much of the country wants to dump their radioactive waste on Texas, at a site that risks radioactive contamination of water for generations to come.

I urge you to help prevent a prevent disaster by taking action to:

  • Halt the licensing of new reactors, especially Texas’ proposed Comanche Peak and South Texas Project reactors
  • Halt nuclear “loan guarantees” that would use billions of taxpayer dollars for new reactors
  • Halt re-licensing of aging reactors, which should be shut down on or before their original retirement date
  • Plan for a transition away from nuclear power to safer, more affordable and reliable means of electric generation
  • Insisting that Nuclear Regulatory Commission safety initiatives be fully implemented. Initiate more thorough and realistic disaster scenario testing of U.S. diesel generators

We also ask that you press EPA to provide better information regarding Fukushima radiation releases and hot spots here and around the globe, and take steps to ensure food supply safety and to reduce exposure risks from the spread of radioactive materials and product importation. Cows shipped in July 2011 from Fukushima Prefecture to Tokyo had three to six times the legal limit for radioactive cesium.

Please also use your official capacity to demand that detailed and accurate public health information be made available both in Japan and in the U.S., including more radiation monitoring, and ensuring healthy food and water supplies. More evacuations may yet be needed.

Thank you, and please reply to this request.

Download this letter for editing and printing:

Not sure who your Congressional Representative is?

Contact Information for Texas Congressional Delegation: